


Hail Hekate Einalia

A crashing wave rolls into shore,
From the depths of that wave
You arise, wild and free.
Young, alive, ecstatic,
Your body wet from the sea,
Dripping and primal,
Weighed down,
Kelp wrapped around you,
Trailing behind you.
You look like a monster
Arising from the depths.

Einalia, as a child
I too, stepped out of waves,
Draped in sea kelp.
Myself, a goddess of the Sea.
The mighty ocean, my friend
Riding the waves,
my body stretched out,
Moving at exhilarating speed
To come ashore
Then to swim back out
To do it once more.

I dreamed of you in those waves.
Your power seen as they crashed
Against giant boulders,
Pounding cliffs only to fall,
Rolling back under the coming waves,
To rise and crash once more.

I see you in the quiet pools
Between the rocks,
Calm and peaceful
Drawing small creatures to you.

Diving down into your depths
Your shadow realm about me
Where it is quie
Yet alive with creatures
You call your own.

Sea lions gather on the rocks,
Talking to each other
in barking voices
Sliding down into the sea
Then returning only to slide in again.

This is your world,
That became mine
when just a tiny child
wet and wild like you.
May I find in myself
The power you hold
Of creating form and life
Bringing forth at times
A stormy, raging wildness.
And then returning to peaceful stillness
Of peace and love and life.

Einalia, I call to you!
I am your child.
I feel the sea in my bones,
Longing to be in your embrace once more.
I have stood at the edge of sea and sand.
My feet bare in sand and water.
I have given you my pain,
Shared my joy,
For now, I live this with you
In my dreams,
In my memories.
So grateful,
Ever grateful,

Hail Hekate Einalia.

Deanne Quarrie, D. Min. 2023